Nepenthes Pharm

29 Nov 2009 Lance Spitzner

Parvinder Bhasin asked us to post an announcement about his new tool. While not officially a tool developed by the Honeynet Project, we thought you should know about some of the great work he is doing. Nepenthes PHARM is a perfect companion to your Nepenthes honeypot installations. PHARM is an Open Source client/server and web portal package, which provides central reporting and analysis of your distributed Nepenthes based honeypots. PHARM Clients are installed on along with your Nepenthes installs, PHARM clients listen for any changes in nepenthes log files (logged_submissions and nepenthes.log) and sends over the logged data and malware collected over to the server running the PHARM server. PHARM server munges all the data collected from PHARM Clients and provides analysis/report of your honeypots through the PHARM Web portal. On the analytical part, Pharm actually queries Virus total’s publicly available data to report back the detail of the malware collected.

PHARM is available for download at . PHARM is developed and maintained by Parvinder S. Bhasin.