Google Summer of Code 2010 Application Submitted

12 Mar 2010 David Watson gsoc

Well, Google Summer of Code 2010 is now officially up and running, with the deadline for organisation applications closing 45 minutes ago. Happily the Honeynet Project’s application for GSoC 2010 was submitted on time, so all we can do now is sit back and wait until March 18th to find out if we are one of the lucky organisations selected this year.

In the mean time, you can find out more about The Honeynet Project’s hopefully successful organisation application in the GSoC 2010 section of our website. This includes background information, ideas for potential project (although students are also free to propose their own), our student application form and how to get in touch with us if we are accepted by Google. You can also read more about the various successful projects from GSoC 2009 in this summary report.

Please feel free to drop by in #gsoc-honeynet on if you have any questions. Otherwise hopefully we’ll be ready to start talking to prospective students from March 18th. Exciting times again!