GSoC 2010 Student Selection is Public

26 Apr 2010 David Watson gsoc

After a few slow days for student applicants everywhere, and some difficult decisions on the final slot allocations for our mentors, the long wait is finally over and the GSoC 2010 official student selections are public. The Honeynet Project are very excited to have received 17 GSoC slots this year (up from 9 last year), so many thanks to Google for their fantastic support again this year.

We hope that this summer will see significant development on both low and high interaction honeypots, as well as with supporting tools. During the next few weeks of the community bonding period we’ll be helping our students and mentors prepare for their projects and engage with our members. Once development officially begins on May 24th we’ll be having regular blogs here from all of our students again, along with regular summaries of progress on our GSoC projects.

We’d like to thank everyone who applied to work with the Honeynet Project during GSoC 2010, and our commiserations to those students who unfortunately we could not mentor this year. Please remember that like most other Free Open Source Software organisations, our members (including our mentors) are all volunteers. Just because you didn’t get officially accepted for GSoC 2010 doesn’t mean that you can’t still get involved. We’d be happy to try and support anyone interested in working on their project this summer, so please get in touch on #gsoc-honeynet on if you would still like to pursue this. Likewise, if you missed GSoC 2010, you can always check out our GSoC 2009 ideas and GSoC 2010 ideas pages to see the type of projects we are currently working on.

Good luck to all of our GSoC 2010 students, it should be an exciting summer!