HoneyViz demo is out for your viewing pleasure

27 Aug 2011 Lucas Mcdaniel gsoc

We’ve set up a demonstration site for HoneyViz (Project #3) at

HoneyViz is an interactive java applet which visualizes sensor data (similar to Project #4). The goal of this project has been to allow the end user to select a set of data that is of interest and generate a variety of useful visualizations based off of this selection in realtime.

The site offers some user-level documentation to explain how the tool works and provides suggestions for a few interesting visualizations we have found. Although, the best way to become familiar with the tool is simply to play with it – select different sets of events, make menu or color changes, select regions on the map, etc.

Questions, comments, and suggestions can all be directed toward the Contact Me page. Enjoy the demo and I hope everyone’s project went well!

Email: lucas dot a dot mcdaniel at gmail dot com - Needs more dots in there.