2014 Honeynet Project Security Workshop in Warsaw!
02 Jan 2014 Julia Yuchin Cheng workshop
The Honeynet Project would like to cordially invite you to attend the 2014 Honeynet Project Security Workshop, held at the Adgar Plaza Conference Center in Warsaw, Poland from 12-14 May 2014. The workshop is organized by The Honeynet Project in coordination with CERT Polska under NASK. Interested in sponsoring the workshop? Download the workshop brochure now!
Each year, the workshop brings together experts in the field of information security from around the world to share the latest advances and threats in information security research. The 2014 workshop will include two days of plenaries along with live demonstrations, as well as an additional day of hands-on training sessions. This year’s plenaries feature some great researchers and world-class speakers from The Honeynet Project, including Raffael Marty (security visualization), Anton Chuvakin (PCI DSS), David Watson (honeynet/honeypot), Felix Leder (malware analysis), Tillmann Werner (botnet takedown), Brian Hay (virtualization security), Christian Seifert (web security), and Mahmud Ab Rahman (mobile malware). Attendees will also be able to register for training sessions led by many of these experts where they can learn new skills through practical hands-on training sessions.
In addition, the workshop will feature a number of invited top keynote speakers. The preliminary list of keynote speakers includes Federico Maggi/Stefano Zanero, Corrado Leita/Oliver Thonnard from Symantec, and Gadi Evron from Kaspersky Lab. If you’re looking to attend a high-quality and challenging workshop and to learn new, practical security skills, then we encourage you to take advantage of this rare opportunity.
As a part of our educational mission in the field of information security, the Honeynet Project sets aside a limited number of seats in the General Briefing and Training Session portions as scholarship places for excellent students who are studying in this field. If you are a faculty member from a university who would like to nominate a student for a free scholarship seat, please contact [email protected] for nomination details. We also encourage companies or organizations to sponsor one or more student scholarships. For a modest amount, you can sponsor a scholarship so that a deserving student can attend the workshop General Briefing and Training Sessions where they will learn from world-class security experts and trainers. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Online registration for the hands-on training and conference opens on mid-February 2014. There is early-bird pricing as well as academic discounts to encourage participation by faculty members and students. We would recommend that you register as soon as registration opens as seats are limited. To access the registration form directly or learn more about this year’s annual workshop visit: http://warsaw2014.honeynet.org.
We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw.