Heralding - the credentials catching honeypot

23 Mar 2016 Johnny Vestergaard heralding honeypot

Sometimes (actually, most times) you don’t need advanced deception technology, but rather just a simple tool to answer some simple questions. I was recently in that situation, and needed the answers to the following questions:

  • Which protocols does my adversary try to brute-force?

  • Which username and password did he use?

  • At which speed did he brute-force?

  • From where did he proxy from?

  • What time of day did he brute-force?

To answer these questions, I needed a tool that would output something similar to:

2016-03-12 20:35:02.258198,,51551,23,telnet,bond,james 2016-03-12 20:35:09.658593,,51551,23,telnet,clark,P@SSw0rd123 2016-03-18 19:31:38.521047,,53416,22,ssh,guest,guest 2016-03-18 19:31:39.376768,,53416,22,ssh,HundeMad,katNIPkat 2016-03-18 19:33:07.064504,,53431,110,pop3,charles,N00P1SH 2016-03-18 19:33:12.504483,,53431,110,pop3,NektarManden,mANDENnEktar 2016-03-18 19:36:56.077840,,53445,21,ftp,Joooop,Pooop

To fulfill my requirements I forked and modified an existing open source project to facilitate the creation of a new simplistic honeypot: 

Heralding - the credentials catching honeypot.

The source code and install instructions can be found in the Github repo here.

Key points: Simplicity works, open source rocks!


Johnny Vestergaard

