In-depth interview: Felix Leder

24 Apr 2014 Leon van der Eijk

Felix Leder is the director for malware research at Blue Coat. Several malware analysis solutions, like Cuckoo box and Norman’s Malware Analyzer G2, have been initiated by and grown around him. After starting in the mobile space with companies like Nokia, he turned to his favourite field of research IT-Security. During the time he worked for Fraunhofer and the University of Bonn, he joined into researching botnet mitigation tactics and new methodologies for executable and malware analysis. The results were successful takedowns and a PhD. Felix Leder is a reverse engineer and tool developer by heart. He has given world-wide classes on malware analysis, reverse engineering, and anti-botnet approaches. Participants range from governmental institutions, financial & security industries, to military bodies. Read along to know more about him!

In-depth interview: Angelo Dell'Aera

22 Apr 2014 Leon van der Eijk

Angelo Dell’Aera (@angelodellaera) is currently Chief Executive Officer of the Honeynet Project. His interests are botnet tracking, honeyclient technologies and malware analysis. His previous research on TCP congestion control algorithms led to the design of the TCP Westwood+ algorithm and the implementation in the official Linux kernel. He’s the lead developer of the low-interaction honeyclient Thug. He will be giving a presentation and a live demo on Thug at the upcoming The Honeynet Project workshop in Warsaw, on May 12th and 13th. Here are his answers to our questions: keep reading to get to know a bit more about him.

In-depth Interview: Lukas Rist

18 Apr 2014 Pietro Delsante

Lukas Rist (@glaslos) is a software engineer with Blue Coat Norway where he develops behavioral malware analysis systems. In his spare time, he creates web application and ICS/SCADA honeypots and botnet monitoring tools under the umbrella of the Honeynet Project. He recently developed an interest in industrial security and automated SQL statement classification. He will be giving a live demo on Conpot at the upcoming The Honeynet Project workshop in Warsaw, on May 13. Here are his answers to our questions: keep reading to get to know a bit more about him.

In-depth Interview: Maximilian Hils

18 Apr 2014 Pietro Delsante

Maximilian Hils (@maximilianhils) is a student of Information Systems at WWU Münster, Germany. He is one of the two core developers of mitmproxy, on which he started to work on during his Honeynet Google Summer of Code project in 2012. In his spare time, he develops web applications and slays SSL dragons whereever he finds them. Recently, he developed an interest in Cloud Storage Security and Security Usability. He will be giving a live demo about “slaying SSL dragons with mitmproxy” at the upcoming annual The Honeynet Project workshop in Warsaw on May 13. Here you have a nice way to discover something more about him and his work.

In-depth Interview: Sebastian Pöplau

18 Apr 2014 Pietro Delsante

Sebastian Pöplau (@poeplau) is the lead developer of the Ghost USB Honeypot, a detection system for USB malware. He is an IT security enthusiast and a full member of the Honeynet Project. He has studied in Bonn, Germany, and Santa Barbara, CA, and works with Lastline. He will be giving a live demo about code-loading techniques on Android during the annual The Honeynet Project Workshop in Warsaw on May 12. Here you have a good chance to get to know him a bit more.

World-wide security training you cannot afford to miss!

03 Apr 2014 Julia Yuchin Cheng

The Honeynet Project will offer 4 world-class training courses for the 2014 workshop. The topics are as follows:

1. Understanding and Mitigating Botnets by Tillmann Werner: Tillmann is a specialist in botnet takeover. His talk will take the form of a comprehensive class beginning with botnet architecture introduction, ranging from old-school centralized IRC botnets to advanced P2P botnets. Learn, using hands-on exercises, the techniques used in modern botnets to improve resilience and discussed strategies to take them down.