WORKSHOP NEWS - May 12-14 in Warsaw, Poland
18 Feb 2014 Julia Yuchin Cheng workshop
**Mon 5 May 2014 : :
We are very proud to announce that ticket sales are beyond our expectations ! So hurry up if you are planning to attend and for registration !
Wed 9 April 2014 : : joins the 2014 workshop Sponsorship team
The honeynet project is proud to announce that the annual workshop in Warsaw will be sponsored by! The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST ) is the premier organization and recognized global leader in incident response. Membership in FIRST enables incident response teams to more effectively respond to security incidents reactive as well as proactive. FIRST brings together a variety of computer security incident response teams from government, commercial, and educational organizations. FIRST aims to foster cooperation and coordination in incident prevention, to stimulate rapid reaction to incidents, and to promote information sharing among members and the community at large.