Initial analysis of four million login attempts

09 Sep 2016 Johnny Vestergaard analysis heralding honeypot


This blog post is a follow up to an earlier article, where I set out to conceive a system that could deliver the data needs to answer 5 specific questions.

The setup

To provide the data needed for this analysis, my setup consisted of 4 VPS situated respectively at Amazon EC2, Azure, MeeBox and a Danish ISP end-user connection. Even though the same 4 VPS were used throughout the data collection, 6 different IP addresses were used for the honeypots - the reason for this was that one of the honeypots had a dynamically assigned IP address. As mentioned in an earlier article all honeypots were running Heralding. The technical setup was automated with ansible.

Released peepdf v0.3

18 Jun 2014 Jose Esparza analysis exploit pdf shellcode tool vulnerabilities

After some time without releasing any new version here is peepdf v0.3. It is not that I was not working in the project, but since the option to update the tool from the command line was released creating new versions became a secondary task. Besides this, since January 2014 Google removed the option to upload new downloads to the Google Code projects, so I had to figure out how to do it. From now on, all new releases will be hosted at, in the releases section.

APKInspector BETA Release & Demo Video

24 Aug 2011 Ryan W Smith analysis android apk demo gsoc tool video

As the deadline of GSOC has passed, I would like to announce the APKinspector Beta1.0. APKinspector is a tool to help Android application analysts and reverse engineers to analyze the compiled Android packages and their corresponding codes. You can review the Alpha version report and the page of this project to know more about it.

Click the picture below to watch a full demonstration video of APKInspector:

Chinese viewers may view the demo at: