Meet the CEO

25 Nov 2014 Leon van der Eijk ceo hpw2015-d52 workshop

Angelo, you have been HNP CEO for more than over a year now. What were your goals when you started and did you achieve them?

First of all let me confess that it seems really incredible to me that a year has already gone by. I took over the CEO position for the Honeynet Project from Christian Seifert more than a year ago and at times the role appeared quite intimidating to me. Christian and Honeynet Project founder Lance Spitzner did an awesome job of driving the organization
during the past few years and I used to think that walking in their footsteps would have not been that simple. Fortunately I receive a great amount of support from both of them to this day, as well great support from the Project Board of Directors, Officers and by all our members. I have to say that I am really proud to hold this role.