Released peepdf v0.3

18 Jun 2014 Jose Esparza analysis exploit pdf shellcode tool vulnerabilities

After some time without releasing any new version here is peepdf v0.3. It is not that I was not working in the project, but since the option to update the tool from the command line was released creating new versions became a secondary task. Besides this, since January 2014 Google removed the option to upload new downloads to the Google Code projects, so I had to figure out how to do it. From now on, all new releases will be hosted at, in the releases section.

Malware-serving theaters for your android phones - Part 1

07 Jan 2014 Pietro Delsante android apk exploit malware thug

Some nights ago I was heading to a local theater with some (non-nerd) friends. We did not recall very well the address, so I brought out my phone (LG Nexus 4 with Android 4.4.2 and Google Chrome) and googled for it. I found the theater’s official site and started looking for the contact info, when Chrome suddenly opened a popup window pointing me to a Russian web site ( urging me to update my Flash Player. I laughed loudly and showed them to my (again, totally non-nerd) friends saying that the site had been owned. One of them went on and opened the site with her own phone (Samsung Galaxy S Advance with Android 4.4.1 and the default Android WebKit browser). To make a long story short, after a few instants her phone was downloading a file without even asking her for confirmation. So: Chrome on my Nexus 4 was using social engineering to have me click on a link and manually download the file; Android’s WebKit on her Galaxy S Advance was instead downloading the file straight away: interesting! However, we were a bit late and we had to run for the comedy, so I did not even bother to see what the heck she had downloaded, I only made sure she hadn’t opened it. I thought it was just the usual exploit kit trying to infect PCs by serving fake Flash Player updates, seen tons of those. While waiting for the comedy to begin, I quickly submitted the compromised site to three different services, the first three ones that came to my mind: HoneyProxy Client, Wepawet and Unmask Parasites, then turned off my phone and enjoyed the show.

Is that PDF so scary?

10 Sep 2010 Guido Landi aslr dep exploit pdf rop

- “it bypasses DEP and ASLR using impressive tricks and unusual methods” - Vupen

- “it uses a previously unpublished technique to bypass ASLR” - Metasploit Blog

- “exploit uses the ROP technique to bypass the ASLR and DEP” - ZDnet/Kasperky

- “it’s so scary I ran away screaming” - anonymous

Is that PDF so scary? I don’t think so.

DEP is an hardware feature that prevents execution of data, it obviously works if software sets the execution flag only on memory pages containing code.


01 Aug 2010 Yongchuan Koh exploit format protocol replay

The first part to the format discovery is 90% completed.
The program is now able to tokenize the sample packets and sort them to clusters according to token pattern.
The structure for a token looks like this:

// definition of a node for initial tokenization
struct sToken {
struct inferProperty* sProperty;
struct inferSemantic* sSemantic;
struct formatDistinguisher* sFD;
struct sToken* next;

struct inferProperty {
char szType[4]; //“s-c/c-s” / “bin” / “txt”
unsigned char* pValue; //value of token. Will include