Google Summer Of Code 2013 Student Applications now closed and some statistics
09 May 2013 David Watson gsoc
Having being very pleased to be accepted once again by Google as one of the lucky mentoring organization for GSoC 2013, we had eagerly awaited the student application period starting and the excitement (and occasional drama) that always brings. Once again we were not disappointed, with a steady stream of students getting in touch with us via our public mailing list or IRC channel (#gsoc-honeynet on and exploring project ideas with us.
Google had made a number of changes to the usual process for GSoC 2013, including moving the program start date (and therefore also the student application period) backwards by about a month, and reducing the number of individual student applications to a maximum of five per student. These changes were likely to make the program more attractive to European students (who generally have later summer holidays), and also hopefully reduce the amount of last minute spam applications by encouraging more detailed proposal writing.