HeX 2.0 “Bonobo” is now!

06 Oct 2008 Kevin Foo hex malaysian-honeynet-chapter

After long development, we have finally managed to produce release version 2 of HeX, codename “Bonobo”. What’s news in HeX 2.0? Check out https://trac.security.org.my/hex/wiki/WhatsNew. Official announcement at http://groups.google.com/group/HeX-liveCD/browse_thread/thread/9a70e96591639ff9

Thanks to all the raWPacket members who have put the effort in HeX 2.0 development, you guys are always rocking!

You can grab the latest ISO (Malaysian master) http://my.rawpacket.org/hex-i386-2.0.iso http://my.rawpacket.org/hex-i386-2.0.iso.md5 http://my.rawpacket.org/hex-i386-2.0.iso.sha256

Malaysian mirror at Multimedia University (Thanks to Zamri Besar) http://archive.mmu.edu.my/hex/hex-i386-2.0.iso http://archive.mmu.edu.my/hex/hex-i386-2.0.iso.md5 http://archive.mmu.edu.my/hex/hex-i386-2.0.iso.sha256

Latest ISO (US mirror) http://us.rawpacket.org/hex-i386-2.0.iso http://us.rawpacket.org/hex-i386-2.0.iso.md5 http://us.rawpacket.org/hex-i386-2.0.iso.sha256

US mirror at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Thanks to Scholar01) http://hexbit.csc.gatech.edu/hex-iso/hex-i386-2.0.iso http://hexbit.csc.gatech.edu/hex-iso/hex-i386-2.0.iso.md5 http://hexbit.csc.gatech.edu/hex-iso/hex-i386-2.0.iso.sha256

HeX LiveCD to be 2.0-RC2 soon.

04 Sep 2008 Kevin Foo hex

As effort of the Honeynet Project Malaysian chapter and the RawPacket team initiative, HeX LiveCD was created. It is a Network Security Monitoring (NSM) centric Live CD, built based on the principles of NSM, for analysts, by analysts. This project will be eventually forked to Hex Sensor and Hex Server to complete the cycle of NSM processes. Besides, HeX LiveCD is the blueprint for HornyD. HornyD and HoneySuckle are the toolkits for the Malaysia Distributed Honeynet Project.