Thug and the art of web client tracking inspection

27 Jan 2015 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient thug

A few months ago I read the paper “Technical analysis of client identification mechanisms” [1]. The paper is really interesting and it is really worth investing your time and reading. Just a brief excerpt from the abstract:

“In common use, the term “web tracking” refers to the process of calculating or assigning unique and reasonably stable identifiers to each browser that visits a website. In most cases, this is done for the purpose of correlating future visits from the same person or machine with historical data. Some uses of such tracking techniques are well established and commonplace. For example, they are frequently employed to tell real users from malicious bots, to make it harder for attackers to gain access to compromised accounts, or to store user preferences on a website. In the same vein, the online advertising industry has used cookies as the primary client identification technology since the mid-1990s. Other practices may be less known, may not necessarily map to existing browser controls, and may be impossible or difficult to detect. Many of them - in particular, various methods of client fingerprinting - have garnered concerns from software vendors, standards bodies, and the media.”

Thug 0.6 released!

05 Jan 2015 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient thug

Thug 0.6 was released just a few hours ago. The most important change introduced during the 0.5 branch was a complete redesign of the logging infrastructure which is now completely modular. This makes adding (or removing) new logging modules extremely easy.

I did this change for a couple of reasons. The first one is that the logging code before Thug 0.5 was developed without a proper design but just adding the modules as soon as I needed them. I usually hate this approach so it would be enough to justify a complete redesign. But there was one more reason. I was aware that a few persons out there were implementing their own logging modules and binding them in some really awful ways to the main code (someone said plugins?). I spent a lot of time in documenting such changes. For these reason I will not dive into details in this post. But trust me. Extending Thug logging with your own modules should be an easy task now. Hopefully. Let me add that additional logging modules would be really appreciated so if you think your cool module should be included in the source tree please feel free to contact me.

Thug 0.5 and KYT paper

10 Jul 2014 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient kye kyt thug

Thug 0.4.0 was released on June, 8th 2012 and a huge number of really important features were added since then. During the last two years I had a lot of fun thinking and designing the future of the project and I’m really proud of what Thug is now. I have to thank a lot of persons who contributed with their suggestions, ideas, bug reports and sometimes patches. You know who you are. Really thanks!

Thug: 1000 commits, 1000 thanks

10 Jun 2013 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient thug

Two years are passed from the first commit and taking a look at the number of committed patches I realized that right now the patch number 1000 was committed. Let me say it’s really impressive realizing it. In the last two years I had a lot of fun thinking and designing the future of this project and I’m really proud of what Thug turned to be. I have to thank a lot of persons who contributed with their suggestions, ideas, bug reports and sometimes patches. You know who you are. Really thanks! Stay tuned because I’m already moving towards patch number 2000 with a lot of new features and ideas like the Thug Honeyclient Distributed Task Queing.

Low-interaction honeyclient Thug released!

19 Mar 2012 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient low-interaction thug

I’m glad to announce I finally publicly released a brand new low-interaction honeyclient I’m working on from a few months now. The project name is Thug and it was publicly presented a few hours ago during the Honeynet Project Security Workshop in Facebook HQ in Menlo Park. Please take a look at the (attached) presentation for details about Thug.

Just a few highlights about Thug:

  • DOM (almost) compliant with W3C DOM Core and HTML specifications (Level 1, 2 and partially 3) and partially compliant with W3C DOM Events and Style specifications

LEET09 Paper: PhoneyC: A Virtual Client Honeypot

24 Apr 2009 Jose Nazario phoneyc paper leet09 honeyclient

Earlier this week I had the good fortune to be in Boston for LEET09, a workshop on exploits, malware, and large-scale trends. I presented on PhoneyC, the Python honeyclient I’ve been working on. The paper describes the architecture and features of the tool and a real world evaluation and test. The talk was well received, and many thanks to the organizers of the conference and the PC for their helpful reviews.
Usenix has made the full paper available to all for free.