Thug 0.5 and KYT paper

10 Jul 2014 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient kye kyt thug

Thug 0.4.0 was released on June, 8th 2012 and a huge number of really important features were added since then. During the last two years I had a lot of fun thinking and designing the future of the project and I’m really proud of what Thug is now. I have to thank a lot of persons who contributed with their suggestions, ideas, bug reports and sometimes patches. You know who you are. Really thanks!

Announcing the publication of Know Your Tools: Glastopf - A dynamic, low-interaction web application honeypot

15 Nov 2010 Christian Seifert Lukas Rist kye kyt paper publication

Folks, I am very pleased to announce the publication of our Know Your Tools paper: Glastopf - A dynamic, low-interaction web application honeypot authored by Lukas Rist of the Chicago Honeynet Project Chaper and Sven Vetsch, Marcel Kossin, and Michael Mauer.

The paper is available from

Paper abstract

Currently, attacks against web applications make up more than 60% of the total number of attempted attacks on the Internet. Organizations cannot afford to allow their websites be compromised, as this can result in serving malicious content to customers, or leaking customer’s data. Whether the particular web application is part of a company’s website, or a personal web page, there are certain characteristics common to all web applications. Most people trust in the reliability of web applications and they are often hosted on powerful servers with high bandwidth connections to the Internet. Considering the large number of attacks and knowing the potential consequences of successful break-ins, we decided to put a bit more effort into the development of honeypots to better understand these attacks.

Know Your Tools: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring has been published

05 Nov 2010 Jianwei Zhuge gsoc kye kyt white-paper

Christian Seifert (CPRO of The Honeynet Project) has just announced publication of our Know Your Tools series: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring, authored by Chengyu Song and Jianwei Zhuge from the Chinese Chapter and Brian Hay from the Alaskan Chapter. The paper is based on Chengyu’s hard work during the GSoC 2009, Brian Hay and me acted as his mentors for the Qebek GSoC Project. Congrats to Chengyu and Chinese Chapter.

Announcing the publication of Know Your Tools: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring

03 Nov 2010 Christian Seifert kye kyt qebek

I am very pleased to announce another publication of our Know Your Tools series: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring authored by Chengyu Song and Jianwei Zhuge from the Chinese Chapter and Brian Hay from the Alaskan Chapter.

The paper is available from

Paper abstract
For the last few years, while low-interaction (LI) honeypot systems like Nepenthes and PHoneyC are getting more and more powerful, the progress of high-interaction (HI) honeypot technology has been somewhat slower. This is especially true for Sebek, the de-facto HI honeypot monitoring tool. In this KYT paper, we introduce Qebek, a QEMU based HI honeypot monitoring tool which aims at improving the invisibility of monitoring the attackers’ activities in HI honeypots.

Know Your Tools: use Picviz to find attacks

26 Nov 2009 Christian Seifert kye kyt picviz

We are very excited to announce the publication of our first paper in the new Know Your Tools paper series: “KYT: use Picviz to find attacks” authored by Sebastien Tricaud from the French Chapter and Victor Amaducci from the University of Campinas.

The paper can be downloaded at Know Your Tools: use Picviz to find attacks.

_Paper Abstract

Picviz is a parallel coordinates plotter which enables easy scripting from various input (tcpdump, syslog, iptables logs, apache logs, etc..) to visualize data and discover interesting aspects of that data quickly. Picviz uncovers previously hidden data that is difficult to identify with traditional analysis methods.