Is Android malware served in theatres more sophisticated?
09 Jan 2014 Felix Leder android apk decompilation malware reverse-engineering sandbox-evasion thug
Pietro wrote a nice post about him finding Android malware while visiting the theatre. Thanks to Thug (thank you Angelo) and HoneyProxy, he was able to get some interesting details about their infrastructure. I was curious what kind of malware you find in a theatre, so I quickly looked at one of the samples that he mentioned: f6ad9ced69913916038f5bb94433848d.
Virus Total already provides some nice information for Android.
permissions already gives a solid hint that this application is probably sending to premium numbers. But why would the app also need RECEIVE_SMS
permissions. That sparked my interest to take it apart completely. So I dug out dex2jar and jad and decompiled it. Yes, I know, there are better tools out there, but I’m old (school). I even use Emacs for browsing the decompiled code ;) For those who like to have other tools mentioned, I’ll put some at the end of the post (please send me suggestions if you have more worth mentioning).