Thug Plugin Framework

20 May 2012 Angelo Dellaera thug

In the last months I spent a lot of efforts in Thug development. During these months a few interesting features and improvements were introduced but right now I want to spend some time for taking a look at the new plugin framework introduced in the version 0.3.0. If you ever thought about extending Thug with additional features but didn’t know how to do it you should really keep on reading. Let’s start by taking a look a the code.

Low-interaction honeyclient Thug released!

19 Mar 2012 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient low-interaction thug

I’m glad to announce I finally publicly released a brand new low-interaction honeyclient I’m working on from a few months now. The project name is Thug and it was publicly presented a few hours ago during the Honeynet Project Security Workshop in Facebook HQ in Menlo Park. Please take a look at the (attached) presentation for details about Thug.

Just a few highlights about Thug:

  • DOM (almost) compliant with W3C DOM Core and HTML specifications (Level 1, 2 and partially 3) and partially compliant with W3C DOM Events and Style specifications