Ghost 0.3 released

27 Mar 2013 Sebastian Poeplau ghost

Today I’ve released version 0.3 of the Ghost USB honeypot, which introduces a lot of new features, including a completely rewritten core for better malware detection. The new version is available on the project page. This post outlines the major changes.

In a previous blogpost I’ve already written about the wide-ranging changes to the core of Ghost. We basically switched to a new emulation technique in order to make it harder for malware to recognize Ghost’s fake USB device. The new core is considered stable by now and thus included in version 0.3.

A new infosec era? Or a new infosec error?

11 Mar 2013 David Dittrich botnet ethics takedown

On March 4, 2013, a contest was held at the Nullcon conference in Goa, India, to see who could take over a botnet. The Times of India reported that the prize money was provided by an Indian government official and was awarded to the Garage4Hackers team. The co-founder of the Nullcon conference, Antriksh Shah, said “At Nullcon Goa 2013, for the first time in the world the government has come forward and announced a bounty prize of Rs 35,000 to whoever provides critical information on the command and control servers of a malware recently found in one of the government installations in India,” and then tweeted, “Dawn of new infosec era. Govt of India announced (and actually paid) first ever bounty (Rs. 35 k) at nullcon to take down a c&c.” When asked whether this was a live botnet, or a simulated botnet held within a safe and isolated virtual network where no harm could result, Nullcon tweeted, “it was a live campaign up since a couple of yrs and the malware was found in a gov. Infra.”

GSoC 2013 Announced

02 Mar 2013 David Watson gsoc

Like many other open source organizations, The Honeynet Project’s members have been excitedly waiting to hear if Google would be running their Google Summer of Code (GSoC) initiative again this year. Well, the wait the over and GSoC 2013 has officially been announced on Google’s Open Source Blog. This is great news!

The timing of Google’s announcement was perfect, since the Honeynet Project were holding our Annual Workshop in Dubai the same week, which gave us time to hit the ground running and kick off internal preparations. We ran a GSoC recap session with our members who were present (plus live streaming for those who could not make it) and are busy preparing our application to be a mentoring organization again this year, as well as drawing up an internal list of potential student project topics. We also discussed lessons learned from our past four (excellent) years of GSoC experience, particularly how we might standardize and improve our student selection process, and make better use of the community bonding period. It was particularly satisfying to have many of last years successful GSoC students attending the workshop, presenting what they worked on and continuing to become involved in our community and other non-GSoC projects too.

Security in 2020? Anton Chuvakin will give you the broad overview!

07 Feb 2013 Sjur Usken

The broader picture a the conference will be given by a well known person in this field. He will talk about “Security 2020” This is Dr. Anton Chuvakin, and he is a Research Director at Gartner’s Gartner for Technical Professionals (GTP) Security and Risk Management Strategies team in his day job.
Anton is a recognized security expert in the field of log management, SIEM and PCI DSS compliance. He is an author of books “Security Warrior” and “PCI Compliance” and a contributor to “Know Your Enemy II”, “Information Security Management Handbook” and others. Anton has published dozens of papers on log management, SIEM, correlation, security data analysis, PCI DSS, security management. His blog “Security Warrior” is one of the most popular in the industry.

Building a functional and centralized threat intelligence framework, with Mark!

31 Jan 2013 Sjur Usken dubai dubai2013 workshop

We have finally gotten an interview with Mark Schloesser. This is the guy that does not say too much, but delivers as hell. “Less talk more code” could easily describe him. He will take you through Configuring an Environment for Threat Assessment This is building a functional and centralized threat intelligence framework! We are really looking forward to this workshop!

Tell us Mark, why did you become a security expert?

To be honest I did not really choose security - I basically just slipped into it because of my colleagues, friends and a big interest in problem solving. I really enjoy sitting down with a team and tackling a certain
problem - which could for example mean trying to solve a puzzle or write an exploit for a vulnerability. This is also the reason why I like to play in Capture The Flag competitions and help organizing one myself.

Reversing Malicious Flashy Flash and Dissecting Malicious Document with Mahmud!

25 Jan 2013 Sjur Usken dubai dubai2013 flash mahmud malicious speak talk workshop

We have interviewed Mahmud ab Rahman, who currently works as an Information Security Specialist for Malaysia Computer Emergency and Response Team (MyCERT) under the umbrella of CyberSecurity Malaysia. His areas of focus are network security,botnet monitoring, and malware analysis. He is also one of the teachers for the Honeynet Workshop in Dubai 10-12 of February and will give a talk about Reversing Malicious Flashy Flash and a full workshop on Dissecting Malicious Document Attacks

HoneyProxy 1.1 - Dubai - released!

24 Jan 2013 Maximilian Hils gsoc

Ready for the Honeynet Project Meeting in February, we are pleased to announce our second release of HoneyProxy!

Started as a Google Summer of Code 2012 project, HoneyProxy is a lightweight tool that allows live HTTP and HTTPS traffic inspection and analysis. This release features a new Report Editor which allows you to analyze your flows, aggregate data or search for anomalies in your traffic dumps. It is our first independent release after GSoC 2012 and I’m happy to say that HoneyProxy has grown steadily over the last months.

Felix Leder and his talk "Lord of the Rings – Monitoring malware behavior on all layers" in Dubai 10-12th of February!

19 Jan 2013 Sjur Usken

We have interviewed Felix Leder, who works as an innovation and new technology architect for Norman ASA. He has has presented classes around the world on malware analysis, reverse engineering, and anti-botnet approaches. He is also one of the teachers for the Honeynet Workshop in Dubai 10-12th of February and he will give a talk about: Lord of the Rings – Monitoring malware behavior on all layers and also teach a class on Malware Reverse Engineering

SSH honeypot workshop Bsides London 2013

17 Jan 2013 Leon van der Eijk kippo-ssh-honeypot workshop

At the last BruCON conference in Ghent last year I had the pleasure to talk to Soraya (Iggi), Bsides London co-organizer. She convinced me into submitting a workshop proposal for the Bsides London 2013.

And guess what, it got accepted.

So I will be doing a workshop on setting up a basic kippo SSH honeypot from Upi Tamminen ( and if time permits, using Ioannis Koniaris (Ion) kippo visualization tool kippo-graph (
Bsides London will be held on April 24th 2013 at Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall