Like many other open source organizations, The Honeynet Project’s members have been excitedly waiting to hear if Google would be running their Google Summer of Code (GSoC) initiative again this year. Well, the wait the over and GSoC 2013 has officially been announced on Google’s Open Source Blog. This is great news!
The timing of Google’s announcement was perfect, since the Honeynet Project were holding our Annual Workshop in Dubai the same week, which gave us time to hit the ground running and kick off internal preparations. We ran a GSoC recap session with our members who were present (plus live streaming for those who could not make it) and are busy preparing our application to be a mentoring organization again this year, as well as drawing up an internal list of potential student project topics. We also discussed lessons learned from our past four (excellent) years of GSoC experience, particularly how we might standardize and improve our student selection process, and make better use of the community bonding period. It was particularly satisfying to have many of last years successful GSoC students attending the workshop, presenting what they worked on and continuing to become involved in our community and other non-GSoC projects too.