I would like to inform you all about our recent activities that we are attempting to achieve.
First of all, we have totally rebuilt our web site. This new ones aim to be a central repository of all the (external/internal) news concerning botnets (mainly) and malwares (secondary).
We will use the blog for posting about our project developments, and for commenting/reporting interesting news concerning the field that we are currently treating, so you can now add a new entry to your feeds reader :)
The repository section aims to maintain a complete library of all the publications redacted (by us or others) until today about botnets. Each one can be tagged and classified for giving an easy way for searching what a researcher needs. If you have a paper/doc about botnets, we will be proud to upload it here!
The Dorothy section is the web GUI of the framework developed by me about irc-botnet tracking through interactive visualization. Maybe you have seen it before (I’ve posted the link in this mailing list some months ago), since that I’ve improved the GUI adding a “malwares” task for each C&C, and providing an afterglow graph for each malware and for each C&C .
We are also maintaining a Wiki, here you can find all information about our tools/activities: you are all invited to contribute on it. The wiki has been recently “plugged” with the GUI giving the possibility to create a new page for each C&C, in this way, every researcher can write about his own investigation about it.