Iteolih: Miles and More

11 Aug 2009 Markus Koetter iteolih

We got a new milestone due:


  • thread-pool works

  • stream recording works

  • shellcode detection using libemu works

  • shellcode emulation using libemu works

  • compiles on linux&openbsd

An exploit taken from a public repository, run against the software, is detected and emulated.

To shorten things, basically all required points are hit with current svn.

So, given the time we just saved, some words about how it works.

The core functionality in dionaea is written in c, but python is embedded as scripting language and required parts of the c-api are exported to the embedded python, using cython bindings.

Glastopf retrospection

10 Aug 2009 Lukas Rist glastopf webhoneypot

Today I make a retrospection on my work on the Glastopf Web Honeypot during the Google Summer of Code Program. My goal was to push forward the development on a Honeypot for an attack vector in web security which is really underestimated in current discussions. The main objectives could be merged into one intention: Increasing our attractiveness and answering every request as close as possible to a real world system. This got achieved with the new PHP file parser and the dynamic Google dork list which we provide for the Google crawler.
Since the past three months, we also collected a lot of attacks. Actually we have around 1.27 million unique attacker IP and requested vulnerability combinations in our database. In total we have something above 14 million hits on our three deployed sensors. We also collected the vulnerabilities which got triggered by the attacker. Currently we have more than 30 thousand different vulnerabilities in the database! So there is a lot of noise out there to catch :)
For the coming months after the Google Summer of Code program I’m looking forward to finish the integration of Glastopf in the SURFids environment (a plugin is already done), and further steps into the improvement of the PHP file parser. There are also plans on analyzing the collected PHP bots and botnets.
So the program was real fun and I’ve learned a lot during this summer. I’m looking forward to increase the already existing knowledge from the Honeynet Project on web app security and the methods used by the attackers!

What's new on PHoneyC (4): Try it out!

10 Aug 2009 Zhijie Chen gsoc libemu phoneyc shellcode spidermonkey

Hi all:

       I have finished almost all the coding stuff of Project #1, now you can try out the new PHoneyC with shellcode/heapspray detection here:

        Please feel free to report any bug or suggestion on shellcode/heapspray detection to me.

        As Geng and his partner is still working on the DOM simulation of PHoneyC (Project #2), I will do more test and write an overall introduction to the ideas and structure of the new PHoneyC after merging in his final commit.

Native Language Spam

09 Aug 2009 Tillmann Werner spam translation

Today I received a spam email from “Sicherheits-Center” (“security center”) with subject “Vorsicht! Ihr Paypal-Konto wurde begrenzt!” (“Attention! Your paypal account has been restricted!”). Not only the subject but the whole message was in really bad German - I am sure everybody had the chance to delete similar spams and you know what they look like. The advertised link was already down and also already included in Google’s “Safe Browsing” list of malicious URLs. But the message contained a piece of interesting information which I think is interesting.

Honeybrid testing

07 Aug 2009 Robin Berthier honeybrid-gsoc-testing

Second milestone reached! Honeybrid has now all its functionalities working and it’s time for testing. In order to check that everything works efficiently, I deployed a Windows honeypot to receive traffic from five /24 unused subnets during half an hour. Here are the details of this experiment.


Here is a overall diagram of the testing architecture:

(Internet) <=====> [NATing Gateway with Honeybrid] <-------> [Windows Honeypot]

The NATing gateway was configured with the following iptables rules:

Quick Update

05 Aug 2009 Thibaut Gadiolet axis honeyweb update webservice

Hi Folks,

I worked on the Front-End to make my interface more user-friendly, I don’t detail every modifications, we can split them in three:

  • Profile Management

  • Organisation Management

  • Honeyclient Management

My code is under Honeynet Subversion so you can consult it if you’re curious !
I also corrected a lot of bugs even if some of them are a bit persistent….

I discussed with Ian Welch, my tutor, about how to communicate between Honeyweb and honeyclients.
We chose to use Axis2 as the webservice technology and we imagine how to implement this.

Sebek Visualizer-Current Progress

03 Aug 2009 Kevin Galloway

Since my last update, I’ve separated the visualizations by IP address, along with adding a few cosmetic additions (lines to the next event in the height different experiment), although there’s still a little bit of work to separate that visualization into different IPs.  I’ve also added camera controls, the basic WSAD at the moment, so that a user can scroll up, down, left, and right, depending on how many host machines there are, as well as how many events there are.  There was also some work on the backend as well, to make the files a little easier to read, as well as adding more comments.  The next tasks I have are completing differentiating the IPs for the height difference visualization, adding more user interface tools, and hopefully trying one or two more visualization types.


31 Jul 2009 Lance Spitzner

Last week I had the honor of being interviewed by the sharp team at PaulDotCom, in which they quized me extensively about honeypots and honeypot technology.  I have had the chance to work with John Strands of the team, who is one of the best penetration testers I know, he really knows his stuff and creates great demonstration hacking videos.  If you have a chance, check it out, they are smart group of fun guys.


30 Jul 2009 Chengyu Song qebek-windows-socket-network

As the console spy is almost finished, the next stage is mainly for network activities. Sebek Win32 version uses TDI hook to get this done. However, since getting driver object in virtualization layer is hard and TDI is TDI is on the path to deprecation, I need to find another way. The best solution seems to be hooking NtDeviceIoControlFile, the API Windows uses to do network related stuff and has been widely mentioned in malware behavior analysis papers. After some days of searching, I encounter a very useful resources today, a master thesis from TTAnalyze team: