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What's new on PHoneyC (4): Try it out!

10 Aug 2009 Zhijie Chen gsoc libemu phoneyc shellcode spidermonkey
Hi all: I have finished almost all the coding stuff of Project #1, now you can try out the new PHoneyC with shellcode/heapspray detection here: Please feel free to report any bug or suggestion on shellcode/heapspray detection to me. As Geng and his partner is still working on the DOM simulation of PHoneyC (Project #2), I will do more test and write an overall introduction to the ideas and structure of the new PHoneyC after merging in his final commit.

What's new on phoneyc (3)--- Mid-term Evaluation

05 Jul 2009 Zhijie Chen gsoc libemu phoneyc shellcode spidermonkey
Mid-term Report on PHoneyC GSoC project 1 Introduction PHoneyC is a low-interaction honeyclient written by Jose Nazario. The shellcode (SC for short) and heapspray (HS for short) detection module for PHoneyC is listed on the GSoC this year and I feel lucky to be chosen to implement it. This report is the main idea about how to detect SC/HS in PHoneyC and how to build and run this version of

What's new in phoneyc (2)--- Shellcode and Heapspray Dectection

01 Jun 2009 Zhijie Chen gsoc phoneyc shellcode spidermonkey
Hi folks: I have done some basic shellcode and heapspray detection codes in the phoneyc’s ‘honeyjs’ javascript engine (based on python-spidermonkey, with extra tracing and auditing works). And also I have made a presentation on the local honeynet chinese chapter last weeked. Details about my current approaches can be found on this slide: Z. Chen (Joyan) PS: This post is also available on my personal blog:

What's new in phoneyc's shellcode detection (1)--- Tracing spidermonkey

25 May 2009 Zhijie Chen gsoc phoneyc shellcode spidermonkey
1. Overview As I wrote in my project outline ( . I should have done some basic enhancement and experiments on python-spidermonkey for a more fine-granted tracing on spidermonkey. So till now what I have done on it includes: a. Implemented the get_globj method in the Context class, which enables one to ‘pull’ all the properties of the global object inside spidermonkey ( namely the global variables, because all the global variables are properties of the global object ) into python context.