Forensic Challenge 9 - "Mobile Malware" - Submission deadline passed

01 Oct 2011 Angelo Dellaera challenge forensic-challenge

the submission deadline for the Forensic Challenge 9 – “Mobile Malware” - put up by Franck Guenichot from French Chapter, Mahmud Ab Rahman and Ahmad Azizan Idris from Malaysia Chapter and Matt Erasmus from South Africa Chapter - has passed. We have received 7 submissions and will be announcing results on Wed, Oct 31th 2011. The top three submissions will be awarded little prizes.

Angelo Dell’Aera
The Honeynet Project

Forensic Challenge 9 - "Mobile Malware" - Deadline Extended

01 Sep 2011 Angelo Dellaera challenge

Taking a look at the small number of submissions we received it seems like August is a perfect month for the seaside but not for a Forensic Challenge. For this reason we decided to extend the submission deadline to September 30th. The submissions received before the old deadline (September 4th) will be granted a few extra bonus points.

Have fun!

Angelo Dell’Aera
The Honeynet Project

Forensic Challenge 9 - "Mobile Malware"

03 Aug 2011 Angelo Dellaera challenge forensic-challenge

I am pleased to announce the next forensic challenge: Forensic Challenge 9 - “Mobile Malware”.

The challenge has been created by by Franck Guenichot from French Chapter, Mahmud Ab Rahman and Ahmad Azizan Idris from Malaysia Chapter and Matt Erasmus from South Africa Chapter.

Submission deadline is September 4th and we will be announcing winners around the third week of September. We have a few small prizes for the top three submissions.

Forensic Challenge 8 - Submission deadline passed

01 Aug 2011 Angelo Dellaera challenge forensic-challenge

the submission deadline for the Forensic Challenge 8 – “Malware Reverse Engineering” - put up by Guido Landi and Angelo Dell’Aera from the Sysenter Chapter - has passed. We have received 6 submissions and will be announcing results on Wed, Aug 31th 2011. The top three submissions will be awarded little prizes.

For your information a new Forensic Challenge will start in a few hours. This time you will be asked to dive into the mobile malware world. Stay tuned!

Forensic Challenge 8 - "Malware Reverse Engineering" - Deadline Extended Again

01 Jul 2011 Angelo Dellaera challenge forensic-challenge

We are realizing that the Forensic Challenge 8 - “Malware Reverse Engineering” - is really difficult to solve because right now we received just 5 submissions. For this reason we decided to extend the submission deadline again to July 31th.

Those who already submitted a solution before June 30th are granted the possibility to submit again thus taking advantage of this one-month extra time. Moreover a few extra bonus points will be assigned to them.

Forensic Challenge 8 - "Malware Reverse Engineering"

09 May 2011 Angelo Dellaera challenge forensic-challenge

I am pleased to announce the next forensic challenge: Forensic Challenge 8 - “Malware Reverse Engineering”.

The challenge has been created by Angelo Dell’Aera and Guido Landi from the Sysenter Honeynet Project Chapter.

Submission deadline is June 15th and we will be announcing winners around the third week of July. We have a few small prizes for the top three submissions.

Have fun!

Angelo Dell’Aera
The Honeynet Project