Google Summer of Code 2011 - Org Applications Open

06 Mar 2011 David Watson gsoc

Has it really been another year already? Having really enjoyed our experience as a successful mentoring organization in Google Summer of Code 2009 and Google Summer of Code 2010, The Honeynet Project is very pleased to announce that we will once again be applying to be accepted this year as a potential mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2011 (note the changed URL for GSoC 2011).

The first GSoC 2011 deadline is Friday March 11th, which is the deadline for interested organizations to submit their org application. Currently we are reviewing our GSoC 2011 project ideas internally and prospective students will soon be able to see our list of proposed project ideas here. If we are accepted this year by Google, as usual all of our GSoC 2011 information will be available at /gsoc on our main public website.

Know Your Tools: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring has been published

05 Nov 2010 Jianwei Zhuge gsoc kye kyt white-paper

Christian Seifert (CPRO of The Honeynet Project) has just announced publication of our Know Your Tools series: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring, authored by Chengyu Song and Jianwei Zhuge from the Chinese Chapter and Brian Hay from the Alaskan Chapter. The paper is based on Chengyu’s hard work during the GSoC 2009, Brian Hay and me acted as his mentors for the Qebek GSoC Project. Congrats to Chengyu and Chinese Chapter.

TraceExploit: Replaying method dissection

17 Aug 2010 Zhongjie Wang exploit-replay gsoc traceexploit

I’ve been working on the GSOC Project 14 in recent months. We are meant to start a new tool which can replay the collected exploit traces.

We know that during the process of exploit replay, there’re many fields need to be changed in the original application messages. Some of them are platform independent, and the others are platform specific. Platform-independent variables are those changed each time we exploit, like timestamp, cookie, length, etc. And platform-specific variables are those changed only if the target system is changed, like target address, return address point to the shellcode.

GSoC 2010 Student Selection is Public

26 Apr 2010 David Watson gsoc

After a few slow days for student applicants everywhere, and some difficult decisions on the final slot allocations for our mentors, the long wait is finally over and the GSoC 2010 official student selections are public. The Honeynet Project are very excited to have received 17 GSoC slots this year (up from 9 last year), so many thanks to Google for their fantastic support again this year.

We hope that this summer will see significant development on both low and high interaction honeypots, as well as with supporting tools. During the next few weeks of the community bonding period we’ll be helping our students and mentors prepare for their projects and engage with our members. Once development officially begins on May 24th we’ll be having regular blogs here from all of our students again, along with regular summaries of progress on our GSoC projects.

Google Summer of Code 2010 Student Application Deadline Closed

09 Apr 2010 David Watson gsoc

Student applications for Google Summer of Code 2010 closed at 19:00 UTC tonight, with the usual last minute rush of submissions (but thankfully no timezone confusion this time). We had thought that receiving three student applications in the final minute, including one with 8.4 seconds to spare was cutting it close, but Plan9 apparently had one lucky applicant with 1.23 seconds remaining on the clock! That must set a new GSoC record… ;-)

Google Summer of Code 2010 Updated Ideas Page and Student Applications Open

05 Apr 2010 David Watson gsoc

On March 29th Google officially began accepting applications from students for Google Summer of Code 2010, which the Honeynet Project is very exicted to be participating in again this year as a mentoring organisation. We’ve recently updated our project ideas page and mentor information and students have until 19:00 UTC on Friday April 9th to apply (you can either chose one of our ideas or propose your own).

If you are interested in applying to be a student and you haven’t already said hello on #gsoc-honeynet on then please pop by if you have any questions. Most people find speaking to a project mentor before they apply helps them understand more about what is required to write a good application and we are always happy to answer questions (although please remember that since our members come from chapters all round the world it might take a few hours for someone to respond.

Google Summer of Code 2010 Accepted Mentor Organisations List Announced

18 Mar 2010 David Watson gsoc

Much to the excitement of students all around the world, tonight Google officially announced which mentor organisations have been accepted for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2010, and the Honeynet Project are delighted to have been selected as one of 151 such mentoring organisations! You can view the full list here:

Fingers crossed we’ll that with Google’s continued support we’ll have the chance to once again meet some very motivated students, create some exciting new projects and gain some great new members over the coming months.

Google Summer of Code 2010 Application Submitted

12 Mar 2010 David Watson gsoc

Well, Google Summer of Code 2010 is now officially up and running, with the deadline for organisation applications closing 45 minutes ago. Happily the Honeynet Project’s application for GSoC 2010 was submitted on time, so all we can do now is sit back and wait until March 18th to find out if we are one of the lucky organisations selected this year.

In the mean time, you can find out more about The Honeynet Project’s hopefully successful organisation application in the GSoC 2010 section of our website. This includes background information, ideas for potential project (although students are also free to propose their own), our student application form and how to get in touch with us if we are accepted by Google. You can also read more about the various successful projects from GSoC 2009 in this summary report.

GSoC 2010 Timeline announced and Honeynet Project will be applying

25 Feb 2010 David Watson gsoc

Last year the Honeynet Project entered Google Summer of Code ( for the first time. We received 9 Google funded student places and also funded 3 more places of our own, all of whom successfully completed their projects in a wide range of areas of open source security R&D. You can find out more in our Google SoC 2009 section of our website (

The time-line for GSoC 2010 has now been made public ( and organisational applications will be held between March 8 - March 13th, with the Honeynet Project hoping to be accepted for at least as many student places as last year.

What's new on PHoneyC (4): Try it out!

10 Aug 2009 Zhijie Chen gsoc libemu phoneyc shellcode spidermonkey

Hi all:

       I have finished almost all the coding stuff of Project #1, now you can try out the new PHoneyC with shellcode/heapspray detection here:

        Please feel free to report any bug or suggestion on shellcode/heapspray detection to me.

        As Geng and his partner is still working on the DOM simulation of PHoneyC (Project #2), I will do more test and write an overall introduction to the ideas and structure of the new PHoneyC after merging in his final commit.